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Thursday, 6 February 2014

Last Valentine...

My last Valentine offering for you today. It's slightly ironic that despite making several Valentines cards it's highly unlikely that I'll actually be sending any... I'm beginning to think I might be getting a bit too fussy in my old age :-)

The colours I've used on this one are Raspberry Ripple, Sahara Sand, Basic Black and Whisper White.

Really quick post today as I'm trying to get my washing done a day early due to giving blood tomorrow evening. Wish me luck, it's the first time I'll be going on my own...not a fan of needles and it took some serious amount of persuasion from a friend to convince me in the first place, but in all honesty you don't even see the needle, and the ladies and gents who take you through the donation process are really lovely. If you've never given blood but have thought about doing it, and are a bit like me about needles, I'd really just encourage you to register - they are always looking for donors and it's not nearly as scary as you imagine it's going to be.

See you again soon.
Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous card, hope all went well giving blood.
